Render a user interface element that resembles or functions as an input field, allowing the user to provide text or other data.
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Input core subcomonents and usage
The Input.Group component serves as a container that groups related Input elements and any associated icons, labels, or buttons. It provides a structural wrapper, typically used when the input has additional elements like labels or icons.
<Input placeholder="Enter your name">
The Input.Label component displays a label for the input field. It dynamically adjusts based on the focus state of the input and the presence of a value. Input.Label is placed as a child within Input.Group.
The Input.LeftIcon component renders an icon to the left of the input field. This is typically used for visual cues, such as a user icon for a username input. It is placed as a child within Input.Group
<Input type="email">
The Input.RightIcon component displays an icon to the right of the input field. This can be useful for showing status icons or action icons. It is placed as a child within Input.Group```tsx
The Input.PasswordToggle component is a button that toggles the visibility of the input's password text, changing the input type between password and text. This should be used alongside an Input with type="password
<Input type="password">
<Input.PasswordToggle />
The Input.ClearButton component displays a button to the right of the input that clears the input's value when clicked. This is helpful for input fields that may require quick clearing.
<Input placeholder="Search something">
<Input.ClearButton onClick={handleClear}/>
Complete Example with Multiple Elements
Below is a more comprehensive example that combines multiple sub-components.
<Input type="password" maxLength={30}>
<Input.PasswordToggle />
<Input.ClearButton onClick={handleClear}/>
Input component props
Name | Type | Description |
variant | default | filled | flushed | flushedfilled | dashed | Defines the visual style of the input field. |
type | string | Specifies the input type, such as "text", "password", etc. |
error | boolean | If true, applies error styling to the input field. |
textError | string | Error message displayed when error is true. |
maxLength | number | Maximum number of characters allowed in the input field. |
value | string | number | Controlled value for the input field. |
required | boolean | If true, marks the input field as required. |
disabled | boolean | If true, disables the input field. |
children | React.ReactNode | Content nested within the input, such as icons or labels. |
ref | React.Ref<HTMLInputElement> | Ref to the input element for direct DOM manipulation. |
onFocus | (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | Event handler called when the input is focused. |
onBlur | (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | Event handler called when the input loses focus. |
className | string | Additional CSS classes to style the input component. |
...props | React.InputHTMLAttributes | Additional props like onChange, placeholder, etc. |