A versatile component designed to mimic the appearance and functionality of a traditional button, offering a range of customization options for various use cases.
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Button example usage
<Button variant={'bouncing'} tooltipText={`I'm bouncing!`}>
Button component props
Name | Type | Description |
variant | default | destructive | outline | secondary | ghost | link | ringHover | glowingRing | shimmer | bouncing | Defines the visual style of the button. It supports several predefined styles like default, outline, etc. |
size | default | sm | lg | icon | Determines the size of the button. Available sizes are sm, lg, and icon. |
asChild | boolean | If true, the button will render as a child component using a Slot, useful for passing custom components. |
loading | boolean | If true, shows a loading spinner instead of the button content. |
loadingText | string | Text displayed next to the loading spinner when the button is in a loading state. |
tooltipText | string | If provided, shows a tooltip when hovering over the button. |
className | string | Additional CSS classes to apply custom styling to the button. |
children | React.ReactNode | The content inside the button, typically text or an icon. |
ref | React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement> | A ref to the button element for direct DOM manipulation. |
...props | React.ButtonHTMLAttributes | Additional props that can be passed to the button, such as onClick, disabled, etc. |